Hot Fuzz- 41 seconds
The opening scene tracks out into a medium shot to introduce the location and brings the viewers to the first character. The organisation of the mise-en-scene helps shows that we are in a school environment by the use of a classroom board and the manner in which the man is posed represented as a teacher even though he is wearing police clothing, it seems as if he is coming in school for the day to teach about being a policeman shown through his diegetic dialogue. Cutting into the next shot we then see the children, which the viewers presumed there would be, sitting down represented in a classroom environment shown through the engagement of the children. As the man acting as the teacher asks the children ‘are there any questions?’ the camera tilts to the right where a police helper asks the question using an eye line match editing. This becomes humorous as he asks a childish question of blowing up heads as if he is a child sitting down with the kids even though he is a fully grown adult. This tells the viewer that this movie will be a comedy genre. In addition the actors Simon Peg and Nick Frost are well known English comedian actors which a wide range of audiences can relate to, especially the age group of 15- 35 year olds which is their target audience. Then there are a series of cuts shown quickly of scenes from the film where all of the clips have big explosions and gun shots. By using a heavy guitar soundtrack with the exploding scenes emphasizes the upbeat tempo and feeling for what the film will be like. This indicates to the viewers that the genre is also action and crime. Having more than one genre is a way in trying to appeal to a mass market.
A text pops up saying ‘from the team that brought you Shaun of the Dead’, this teases the audience as ‘Shaun of the Dead’ was a successful film, and the fact that they are producing this film will make audiences feel that this will be a good film to go and watch. Also, by having the same two main characters as ‘Shaun of the Dead’ implies that the makers and the characters have a strong bond between one another as they are going to produce a new film of a slightly different genre.
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