Friday, 2 December 2011

Research into similar products- Teaser Trailers

Amélie- 1 minute 5 seconds
The maker of the film is called Miramax Zoe which is shown at the start of the trailer. Because this is a small conglomerate, this implies that this film will be different and unique compared to a typical Hollywood movie, which will attract a different kind of audience.
The trailer opens with a series of cross cuttings between several characters using a medium close up shot tracking in to their faces to see clearly their expressions. This is used to emphasize the connection these characters all have with one another. There is a bell sound used as the background which creates this thinking feeling for the viewers. The music stops and eventually cuts to the main characters face (Amélie) in a big close up, represented that she is the main connection for all the other characters. In addition, the narrator is brought forward and introduces Amélie.
Then there are a series of shots shown quickly in different locations to get a feel of what setting it is. As the music soundtrack gets more upbeat, the clips shown with it increase in pace creating a rushed and busy feel, thus giving a sense that a lot happens in the film, teasing the audience.
This is a romantic comedy yet is different from the stereotypical genre. It is also a very traditional French film, helped shown through the French instruments being played in the background and it is set in Paris, we can see this by the mise-en-scene of the buildings and clothes worn by the characters. Being a romantic genre, this will appeal more to a female audience.
This trailer gives a sense of fantasy shown through the special effects of Amélie turning into a puddle. Furthermore, in the last clip, the pig figure turned into life by switching the light off creating this surreal feeling throughout the trailer. This was emphasized by the high pitch piano sound giving a magical feel which is often used in fairy tale films.

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